Júlio, André and Letícia Parente
In Tiled floor, we appropriate the Casa Series (1975) made by Letícia Parente – the artist was one of the pioneers in the use of new media used by artists in the 1970s, xerox art, mail art, audiovisual (slideshow), video – to create an installation where Letícia's work is recreated by André and Júlio Parente with the means of our time. It is a site specific audiovisual installation – in which the actual column of the exhibition space becomes one of the key elements of the work – which contains aspects related to the works of the three artists. The main idea is to explore the space – visual, poetic, topological – of a house as if it were the exhibition space itself. The notions of a poetic space and an archeology of everyday life are fundamental here: how to activate, from the images and questions of the house evoked by Letícia's work - the house in which the tiles, walls and floor are made of poetry and dream, the self that is my closet, the rooms that contain me, the self that is a thing between things, the space of the imaginary city that surrounds the house, the land of my country inscribed on my foot, and finally, the house what is the body making itself a house – the sonorous house and the luminous house that is like the prehistory of all of us? Today's house is neither lighter nor darker than yesterday's house, but a relational, topological house, in which the various layers of space and time that cross it gain other luminous and sonorous contours.
Three texts extracted from the Xeroxes of the Casa Series (Leticia Parente, 1975)
Poem House Xerox
The tiles go to sleep on the roof
The rain will fall on the roofs
Dust will descend on the roofs
The sun will hit the roofs
The wind will sweep across the roofs
The size of this roof is multiple of tiles
And makes up the space through our bodies, a love in sleep.
The roof will make the dream under the night.
Will make life under the sun.
The roof will keep secrets from the gnawing of time.
It will be like a big blanket for the secret
Without day and for rest without night.
The facade of the house is not closed as the stones or bad tongues suggest.
Among them was a stone missing.
In the middle of the wall, the void opened up.
And the eyes scraped her plane and her skin.
The mortar consented to lack
consented to fail
For the feet to enter,
For the hands to enter.
with your packages
Your messages and your gestures
all after the eyes
Which itself is already here.
The floor I tread.
I wear the floor with bare feet.
The strength of the bodies make the floor.
The ground I repress and repress.
And push and push and violent and plant
To be stable and shod floor.
It's beaten ground,
It's shabby floor,
It's a suffering floor
It's dead ground.
It is ground loved in silence.
Xerox Topological House 1
Seven Alternatives to Loneliness
Pollution-proof purification rituals
desired dialogues
Sun always available
Ups and downs, turns and revolts
place to look for direction
Xerox Topological House 2
String of cloud tiles
telephone wires,
electrical wires,
gas pipes
webs of us
star grains
waves of you
old darning