At his first solo exhibition:
Multimídia at Galeria Crédimus, Fortaleza, 1978.
The Archeology of Perception
Portuguese version
By Luiz Claudio da Costa
Beside, Beyond, Inside Out, and Around: Moving images as prepositions
Portuguese version
By Simone Osthoff
Spinning Bodies
Portuguese version
By Ismail Xavier
Figures in the Landscape
Portuguese version
By Victa de Carvalho
Infinite Background
Portuguese version
By Paula Azulgaray
Andre Parente’s Images
Portuguese version
By Marcus Bastos
1 Irreal for a Perfomance
Portuguese version
By Luana Navarro
Reflections on a Way of Making
Portuguese version
By Milla Jung
In Art, Nothing is Created, Nothing is Lost, Everything is Transformed – It Would Be Strange if this Film didn’t exist.
Portuguese version
By Paulo Herkenhoff
Figures In the Landscape
Portuguese version
By Patrícia Mourão
In the Banks of Time
Portuguese version
By Kátia Maciel
Five Sides to the Coin
Portuguese version
By Kátia Maciel
The Technological imaginary
Portuguese version
By Martine Beugnet
The “1 Irreal”, from André Parente: Silent action and Permanent object
Portuguese version
By Ana Avelar
Portuguese version
By Armando Freitas Filho
Landscape with two
Portuguese version
By Daniela Bousso
Arm of Man
Portuguese version
By Ismar Tirelli Neto
Verse of the obverse:
1 Irreal in Brasília
Portuguese version
By Laila Melchior
Turning is what we have left
Portuguese version
By Ricardo Resende
Unfurling the flags
Portuguese version
By Rogério Luz
Portuguese version
By Kátia Maciel
Portuguese version
By Kátia Maciel
Noche es dia
Portuguese version
By Alejandro Martín Maldonado
The Ruin as An Embryo
Portuguese version
By Guilherme Wisnik
Pedras e Poeira
French version
Portuguese version
By Lucie Garçon
Portuguese version
A memória dos Vulcões
Portuguese version
By Edson Luiz André de Sousa
Circuladô, 2007-2010
Portuguese version
By Katia Maciel
Artistas Contemporâneos Brasil
Portuguese version
By Afons Hug
Entrevistas. Ser artista. André Parente.
Portuguese version
By Claudia Tavares and Monica Mansur
Entrevista com André Parente
Portuguese version
By Cleci Maraschin and Virgínia Kastrup
André Parente, Entre Margens
Portuguese version
By Katia Maciel and Renato Rezende
”Ninguém solta a mão de ninguém”
Portuguese version
By Ítalo Diblasi
Portuguese version
By Roberto Corrêa dos Santos
O Acontecimento Cinema: Entrevista a André Parente
Portuguese version
By Susana Viegas
André Parente is an artist and researcher of cinema and new medias. In 1987 he obtained his PhD from the University Paris 8 under the guidance of Gilles Deleuze. Full Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where, in 1991, he founded the Nucleus of Image Technology (N-Imagem). Since 1977 he has been producing several videos, films and installations in which predominate a conceptual and experimental approach. His works have been exhibited in Brazil and abroad (Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, China, Portugal, among others). He is the author of the books: Imagem-máquina (1993), Sobre o cinema do simulacro (1998), O virtual e o hipertextual (1999), Narrativa e modernidade (2000), Tramas da rede (2004), Cinema et narrativité (L’Harmattan, 2005), Preparações e tarefas (2007), Cinema em trânsito (2012), Cinemáticos (2013), Cinema/Deleuze (2013), Passagens entre Fotografia e Cinema na Arte Brasileira (2015), among others. In the recent years he was the recipient of the following prizes: Rumos - Transmídia do Itaú Cultural (2002), Petrobrás de Novas Mídias (2005), Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia (2006), Petrobrás de Memória das artes (2008), Oi Cultural (2010), Caixa Cultural Brasília (2011), Funarte de Artes Visuais (2013) e Funarte de Incentivo a Arte (2012), Oi Cultural (2014), Prêmio Marc Ferrez (2015), Secretaria de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro (2016).
Portfolio - download
Portuguese Portfolio - download
Edital de Cultura da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro. 2016
Passagens: Entre Fotografia e Cinema. XIV Marc Ferrez. 2014
Circuladô. Prêmio Artes Visuais Funarte, 2013.
Cinemáticos. Bolsa Estímulo Funarte, 2013.
Dois. Caixa Cultural Brasília, 2012.
Letícia Parente, arqueologia do Cotidiano. Oi Futuro, 2011.
+Dois, BNB Cariri, 2011.
Livro de Sombras, Prêmio Edital
Oi Cultural, 2010.
Tempo-Matéria, Prêmio Edital FAPERJ, 2009.
Marca Registrada, os Vídeos de Letícia Parente. Prêmio de Memória das Artes, Petrobrás, 2006.
Figuras na Paisagem: Estereoscopia. Prêmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia, 2005.
Santo Antônio, um Santo sem Cabeça. Novas Mídias, Petrobrás, 2004.
Atravessamentos. Transmídia, Itaú Cultural, 2002.
Post-doctorate research boursary in France - Université
Paris 3 (2001-2002)
Prize for the production of a movie, Secretaria da Cultura – Ceará (1994)
Prize for the production of a short movie GREC, Paris (1987)
Doctorate studies boursary in France - Université Paris 8 (1982-87)