site-specific installation
Belvedere is a huge installation composed of three parts. The first part, a video projected in large dimensions on the wall of the hexagonal hall of the museum (11 m x 4 m), shows the landscape that is seen from the gallery’s veranda, from a point of view situated exactly behind where the projection is happening, producing the illusion that the spectator is seeing through the wall. The video shows the changes in light in the landscape throughout the day from daybreak to nightfall. Every photomechanical image – whether analog or digital – deals with the relationship with the referent. Ironically, what separates this image from its referent is only the wall on which it is projected.
Camera operator: Izabela Fernandes
Camera Assistants: Daniel Fosco e Clarissa Appelt
Photograher and image editor: Andre Parente
Tempo-Matéria, MAC, Curated by Claudio da Costa, Niteroi, 2010